
Today on the Ten of Hearts in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the life spread which is the Three of Spades. This reading is about certain aspects of the Three of Spades.

The 3♠️ chooses experience and performs. When dreaming, the 3♠️ avoids any interruption of existing methods of value accumulation. When awake, the 3♠️ creates new value easily with courage and daring.

The 8♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that generally the 3♠️ strives to succeed by working harder than others, working longer, and even working multiple jobs at once. The 3♠️ may also get into serious conflict with others by ordering those that don’t take kindly to being ordered. The 3♠️ does better and is more productive when aware of mental habits that may irritate others. Listening is an advanced skill of the 3♠️ that helps get the most work accomplished.

The 9♠️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 3♠️ has to let go of many preconceived values in order to develop forward momentum in goals. The 3♠️ may prefer to throw a tantrum rather than admit a fault. The 3♠️ wants to be admired for one’s work, but there is work on oneself to do on the way.

Today is a good day to choose a course of action and proceed with immense effort coupled with the willingness to make corrections to one’s manner of being as indicated by interactions.