
Today on the Q♣️ in Aries, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mars card in the Waking Spread which is 3♦️. This reading is about the Q♣️ Birth Card of 1/28, 2/26, 3/24, 4/22, 5/20, 6/18, 7/16, 8/14, 9/12, 10/10, 11/8, and 12/6.

The Q♣️ has spent effort reconciling relationships that could more productively be applied to personal success, and in the process one has grown reflective and wise.

As Dreaming Double Jupiter, one needs to apply personal philosophy to both personal goals and to relationships to most effectively achieve satisfaction.

The K♥️ Waking Mirror indicates that one experiences great tumult and powerful feelings that one increasingly grounds in acceptance. One often faces others who do not know themselves emotionally, and who may tantrum and manipulate. It is an exercise in non-attachment to ground the feelings these persons express.

As Sleeping Double Mercury, one is learning to accept the expressed feelings of others as well as flowing in one’s own feelings without judgment.

Aries Q♣️ develops many excellent value propositions, yet many of them do not deliver commensurate results due to a variety of obstacles; however, intuituon flourishes, and one perseveres to achieve sufficient success.

Notable Events 3/24 Q♣️/3♦️:

Great Britain passes the  Quartering Act, which requires the Thirteen Colonies to house British troops (1765)

In Hiram, Ohio, a group of men beat, tar, and feather Mormon  leader Joseph Smith (1832)

Mayor of New York City Robert Anderson Van Wyck breaks ground for a new underground “Rapid Transit Railroad” that would link Manhattan and  Brooklyn (1900)

El Salvadorian Archbishop Óscar Romero is assassinated while celebrating Mass in San Salvador (1980)

In Prince William Sound in Alaska, the Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels (38,000 m3) of crude oil after running aground (1989)

Notable Births 3/24 Q♣️/3♦️:

Andrew W. Mellon, American banker, financier, and diplomat, 49th United States Secretary of the Treasury (b 1855)

Harry Houdini, Hungarian-Jewish American magician and actor (b 1874)

Clyde Barrow, American criminal (b 1909)

Joseph Barbera, American animator, director, and producer, co-founded Hanna-Barbera (b 1911)

Dorothy Height, African American educator and activist (b 1912)

Steve McQueen, American actor and producer (b 1930)

Tommy Hilfiger, American fashion designer, founded the  Tommy Hilfiger Corporation (b 1951)

Annabella Sciorra, American actress (b 1960)

Jim Parsons, American actor (b 1973)

Notable Deaths 3/24 Q♣️/3♦️:

John Harrison, English carpenter and clockmaker, invented the Marine chronometer (d 1776)

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American poet and educator (d 1882)

Jules Verne, French novelist, poet, and playwright (d 1905)

Garry Shandling, American comedian, actor, and screenwriter (d 2016)