
Today on the 5♦️ in Virgo, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mercury card in the Waking Spread which is Q♠️. This reading is about the 5♦️ Birth Card of 1/22, 2/20, 3/18, 4/16, 5/14, 6/12, 7/10, 8/8, 9/6, 10/4, and 11/2.

The 5♦️ changes desires to accommodate values, and one changes values to accommodate the world and personal evolution.

The 6♣️ Dreaming Mirror needs to develop new ideas, plans, and strategies rather than repeating past mistakes.

The 6♣️ Waking Mirror changes desires and values rather persist with plans and agreements that do not work as there may be improvements that can be implemented.

The 10♣️ Sleeping Mirror learns to refine desires and values by fully comprehending situations through study and application.

Virgo 5♦️ changes values most of all to accommodate partners who share and co-create value. There is significant self-restraint and discipline required to partner effectively at times.