Today on the Seven of Hearts in Libra, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Venus card in the life spread which is the Five of Spades. This reading is about certain aspects of the Five of Spades.
The 5♠️ is a change in experience and manifestation. The 5♠️ experiences lots of changes in work, health, and spirituality. Fortunately, the 5♠️ is good at budgeting financially for the changes that arise. The 5♠️ is able to build a firm financial foundation. The 5♠️ also has a firm foundation of personal values. The 5♠️ is usually involved with a wide variety of persons that impact the 5♠️ and may lead to changes. Work associates are commonly part of the changes that occur for the 5♠️.
The K♦️ Waking Mirror shows that the 5♠️ is driven to succeed financially. The K♦️often shows up at work or other places and the 5♠️ learns that the indecisive thinking or communication of the K♦️ causes immediate difficulties for the 5♠️. The 5♠️ may also engage in indecision and worry about financial issues that can be assisted by modeling the financial success of the K♦️ whose measured behavior allows the universe to deliver success in time to the K♦️.
The A♣️ Dreaming Mirror offers new ideas and experience to the 5♠️ and poses challenges to the 5♠️ as now the 5♠️ has more options than previously. The 5♠️ spends much of a life deciding how best to love others and how to say things just right so that change can happen without inflicting too much suffering. The 5♠️ prefers to run with a new idea without a second thought, so the A♣️ brings new ideas that tempt the 5♠️ into action. The 5♠️ hesitates to make radical changes as so many loved ones will be impacted. Thus each time a new tantalizing idea comes to mind the energy for change like a volcano builds.
Today is a good day to roll with changes; financial strength may be limited by constant change, but new ideas that are pursued may lead to the adventure of love.