There is an easy method to calculate a birth card with the birthday.
There are two required steps:
1) Calculate the Solar Value
2) Convert the Solar Value to a Birth Card
First, the Solar Value is calculated in the following manner:
Double the Month (2xMonth)
Add the Day (+Day)
Subtract the sum of the 2 steps above from 55:
55 – {(2×Month)+day}
For example: January 26
January is 1, so double the 1 like this:. (2×1)
Add the day (+26)
Subtract the sum from 55 like this:
27 is the Solar Value of January 26.
Let’s do the calculation for another date: July 15
55 – [(7×2) + 15]
55 – [14 + 15]
55 – 29
The Solar Value of July 15 is 26.
Once the Solar Value has been calculated, the Birth Card can be found from the following table which shows the cards for each Solar Value from Ace of Hearts (Solar Value=1) to the King of Spades (Solar Value=52).
The Solar Values are ordered from
Hearts 1-13
Clubs 14-26
Diamonds 27-39
Spades 40-52
Our example of July 15 that leads to a Solar Value of 26 results in a K♣️ Birth Card as shown in the table below.
A❤️ = 1
2❤️ = 2
3❤️ = 3
4❤️= 4
5❤️= 5
6❤️= 6
7❤️ = 7
8❤️ = 8
9❤️= 9
10❤️= 10
J❤️= 11
Q❤️= 12
K❤️ = 13
A♣️= 14
2♣️= 15
3♣️= 16
4♣️= 17
5♣️= 18
6♣️= 19
7♣️= 20
8♣️= 21
9♣️= 22
10♣️= 23
J♣️= 24
Q♣️= 25
K♣️= 26
A♦️= 27
2♦️= 28
3♦️= 29
4♦️= 30
5♦️= 31
6♦️= 32
7♦️= 33
8♦️= 34
9♦️= 35
10♦️= 36
J♦️= 37
Q♦️= 38
K♦️= 39
A♠️= 40
2♠️= 41
3♠️= 42
4♠️= 43
5♠️= 44
6♠️= 45
7♠️= 46
8♠️= 47
9♠️= 48
10♠️= 49
J♠️= 50
Q♠️= 51
K♠️= 52
The Joker is an additional card that applies to a Solar Value of Zero. The Solar Value of December 31 is zero. (e.g. 55-[(12×2)+31]
55 – 55 = 0
The Joker is a special character that may act more like a K♠️ or more like the A❤️ depending on birth time. If the birth time is before Noon, then the Joker can be read as the A❤️. If the Joker is born after Noon, then the Joker is read as the K♠️.
Either Joker also has special characteristics of freedom and innocence that other cards lack. The Joker has been compared to the Fool of the Tarot. Both figures have the possibility of naivete versus wisdom. The Fool has the potential of realizing a brilliant life of glory or merely moving through life as though deeply asleep.

A~ Ace
J~ Jack
Q~ Queen
K~ King
H~ Hearts
C~ Clubs
D~ Diamonds
S~ Spades
This table has been borrowed from Sacred Symbols by Edith Randall.