
Today on the Six of Diamonds in Libra, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Venus card in the life spread which is the Ten of Hearts. This reading is about certain aspects of the Ten of Hearts.

The 10❤️ is fullness in love. To be complete in love one must get busy working with others. This is not the card of the hermit. The 10❤️ has work to do on oneself to be able to spend abundant time around others without feeling drained in the process. Fibbing for the sake of free time is not a pattern that leads to emotional freedom. One should practice mindfulness and courage in communication with others. One can give all day to others and still have to give to the self. Take care of self first and last. The 10❤️ is good at escape. The 10❤️ escapes for adventure. The 10❤️ escapes for work and to establish financial safety.

The 4♣️ Waking Mirror is a calm being that the 10❤️ meets from time to time in a person or variably experiences oneself and knows that mental calmness and togetherness is joyful way of living. The 10❤️ rebels against calmness by spending lots of time with others when time should be spent alone in reflection. Together time and alone time should both be done. As the 10❤️ withdraws to reflect, there is more energy to spend with others and more availability for true sharing with others.

The 3♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 10❤️ needs to speak freely and has the full capacity to speak freely. Yet, the 10❤️ spends time worrying and withholding thoughts and feelings. The 10❤️ will benefit from journaling so there is at least one entity to which the 10❤️ is being honest and forthcoming coming on a daily basis. The result of daily writing will be ease of sharing thoughts with loved ones. The sleep pattern of the 10❤️ will also improve.

Today is a good day to spend with loved ones, family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors; plan generous “me-time” and share thoughts and ideas with others.