Today on the Nine of Hearts in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the life spread which is the King of Clubs. This reading is about certain aspects of the King of Clubs.
The K♣️ guides thinking, planning, and analyzing. When dreaming, the K♣️ assumes that cooperation is required for all work to begin. Working together can be difficult for the K♣️ as one has strong preferences for how activities are carried out. When awakened, the K♣️ begins implementation of major tasks without concern about help that may be required with the understanding that the K♣️ can accomplish most of the work needed before any additional help is offered. Beginning the work and working with great determination inspires others to offer help and to cooperate well.
The 6♦️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the K♣️ has determined values and that the K♣️ intends to make forward progress. The K♣️ does not like to give up any gains. At times, an associate or competitor will have a dispute with the K♣️ and the K♣️ will prefer not to make an adjustment as the adjustment will appear as a blockage to the K♣️ goals. It is required to make adjustments however in order to make forward progress. One cannot assume that it will always be another that makes needed adjustments. The K♣️ does best to follow one’s gut. Separating one’s gut, one’s loins, one’s heart, and one’s head is the work of the Master of Thinking. The K♣️ is able to define motives of oneself and of others, and the K♣️ can act in accordance with the truth of intent. If there is doubt at any time, the K♣️ need only identify as the mother of the truth who cares for the truth with love, nurtures the truth, and brings the truth to fruition.
Today is a good day to guide self and others in a material or spiritual plan with great personal effort and with cooperative effort.