
Today on the Four of Hearts in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking spread which is the Eight of Diamonds. This reading is about certain aspects of the Eight of Diamonds.

The 8♦️ concentrates values and value. The 8♦️ is known as the card of one’s being special due to the tendency to bring something of extreme value to the forefront. There is a tendency to be a hard driver of oneself and of others in the push to create and concentrate value. One should learn to work smarter rather than harder. The 8♦️ realizes the importance of instruction over power to facilitate the best work, but the first inclination of the 8♦️ is to force others to do what has been asked and to do things the way they were intended to be done. It is best for the 8♦️ to forgive failure, to recognize others’ limitations and one’s own, and to continuously instruct others and oneself in superior methods of activity.

The A♠️ Dreaming Mirror and Pluto show that the 8♦️ has access to every needed secret in revelation. Interaction with others is of great interest and attraction to the 8♦️. The 8♦️ must respect boundaries of others and of oneself along the way to loving with the greatest purity and depth which encapsulates one of the great secrets of life. How does one love and respect simultaneously? One learns about another and about oneself as though one another and oneself are both one’s own children that one is raising as special persons that will do great things in the world. One observes and shares ideas without any coercion for one is immensely curious and supportive to what these children will do on their own with their curiosity and creativity. The 8♦️ gradually recognizes that shared value is inherent to one’s own ability to be of the highest value.

Today is a good day to focus on the already apparent and available value in the environment; there is intrinsic value within and between oneself and others.