
Today on the Six of Diamonds in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the Five of Hearts. This reading is about certain aspects of the Five of Hearts.

The 5❤️ changes feelings. The 5❤️ doesn’t feel settled because the 5❤️ is interested in a strong center of values. Sometimes, a relationship feels unstable to the 5❤️, and then the 5❤️ begins to change thoughts about the relationship. It is important for the 5❤️ to strengthen the willingness to change one’s thinking of a relationship so that situations conclude quickly. The 5❤️ increases life experience by acting decisively.

The 9♣️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 5❤️ leaves the door open to let everyone and everything go when the timing is not right for oneself. The 5❤️ wants to feel satisfied and pleasured. If that feeling is not present, the 5❤️ tends to think there is a problem. The 5❤️ even may begin to expect discomfort so that one can act decisively when discomfort emerges. The 5❤️ wants to grow emotionally and to cultivate quality relationships. The 5❤️ will know the meaningful relationship when it is present. Also, the 5❤️ knows that at least half the time, the lack of quality stems from one’s own contribution to the relationship missing one or more elements. The 5❤️ is realistic about love.

The 3♦️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 5❤️ senses that wealth availability is a significant issue in all relationships. When value is plentiful, each person feels nurtured by the value that is sought. When some element is missing whether food, shelter, affection, transportation, shelter, conversation, time or some other needed element…the 5❤️ agitates for change with the recognition that the relationship is unsteady as it has no real forward momentum due to the deficits in available value for one or more parties. There is a chance of relationships working out for the 5❤️ by seeing oneself as a storehouse of value and seeing one’s partners as worthy recipients of value that one can share. As the 5❤️ becomes gradually financially secure, one can choose partners one considers part of one’s inner circle, and one can readily share value with these partners.

Today is a good day to realize some elements in existing relationships are not working as value accruing to oneself is limited; if the relationship is salvageable one should make adjustments to it, but if the relationship is over one should let it go.