Today on the Two of Diamonds in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the Ace of Hearts. This reading is about certain aspects of the Ace of Hearts.
The A❤️ introduces feeling and desires affection. The A❤️ brings feelings into situations. The A❤️ can be generous with affection and light up others’ lives. There is also the tendency to desire compensation for the cheer that is offered. There can be a desire for value that the cheerful clown ignores until the desire for compensation becomes the overwhelming aspect of one’s personality. It is best for the A❤️ to honestly request value when initially desired.
The 7❤️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that in the most subtle thinking of the A❤️, the awareness of emotional boundaries is present. The A❤️ is learning that relationships bring all the best experiences, and the A❤️ learns that one who introduces feelings into situations has the power to change the nature of relationships. The A❤️ learns that experience with others requires boundary establishment. Bringing joy to others does not justify later hurting feelings, so the A❤️ learns that one that freely gives must still ask for what is wanted and needed.
The 7♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that the A❤️ has a deep spiritual inclination that is most obvious to others when the A❤️ brings joy. Only the A❤️ may know the personal struggles with greed that are endured in business and other relationships. Struggling with greed and the proper use of one’s talent in the use of emotional charisma is a big part of the spiritual growth of the A❤️.
Today is a good day to be a happy cheerful energy toward others while still asking for help and a hug when attention is wanted and needed.