Today on the Nine of Clubs in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the Jack of Spades. This reading is about certain aspects of the Jack of Spades.
The J♠️ known as Spiritual Initiate and/or Thief is almost as powerful as the King of Spades in terms of accomplishment. The J♠️ does what one wants to do. When dreaming, the J♠️ casts limitations on one’s horizons that are not truly blocking one’s goals. When awakened, the J♠️ draws on all acquired and available knowledge to refine and succeed in any area.
The 9♦️ Waking Mirror indicates that the J♠️ easily succeeds at material endeavors but still worries about maintaining prosperity. In the present life, the J♠️ is a doer that thinks one’s actions should be modified regularly to ensure success. The J♠️ watches others that are successful to see what modifications should be made to one’s own activities.
In the Dreaming Spread, the J♠️concerns self with individuality and self-worth. When sifting through past experiences, the J♠️relives decisions about love and whether right decisions were made. In this spread of the past, the J♠️ identifies as a doer and a successful person.
In the Sleeping Spread, the J♠️ identifies as one that fully embraces the existing order and will overturn traditions to improve them. The K❤️ Sleeping Mirror shows that the J♠️ has the capacity to guide others through feelings as upheaval occurs. When significant change happens suddenly, one wants to know that the future is secure with methods that have always worked. The J♠️ is able to lead in this way by showing that current experience is a continuation of the past.
In the past the J♠️ has been successful and able, but in the present the J♠️ cautiously makes changes to the environment to ensure success, and in the future the J♠️ can become a change leader who makes effective changes that honor tradition.