
Today on the Queen of Hearts in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the Five of Clubs. This reading is about certain aspects of the Five of Clubs. This is the Birth Card of the following dates: 3/31, 4/29, 5/27, 6/25, 7/23, 8/21, 9/19, 10/17, 11/15, 12/13. Notice all signs except Capricorn and Aquarius are represented in 5♣️ Birth Card dates.

The 5♣️ changes thinking, changes one’s mentality, and changes one’s perceptions. And yet, change is difficult for this card. It is emotionally wrenching to change course when one thinks one has finally found a groove. But, change is needed and it is productive of growth, lasting reward, and even true love.

When unconscious, the 5♣️ is unhappy with change that has occurred or unhappy that change has not occurred. The 5♣️ can lead an irritated life with an unsettled mind. Thoughts and ideas enter the mind and unsettle the 5♣️ emotionally. When Awakened, the 5♣️ gives oneself time to settle all the thoughts into an orderly space. One takes no action of change until one is settled. One feels unsettled and ramped up for change and instead retreats to wait for peace before action. Then, action on the changed thinking occurs, but it occurs with method to the madness.

The Q♦️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 5 ♣️ prefers to organize one’s thinking such that value is prized and can be effectively used for enjoyment. The 5♣️ tends to squander gains in restless change, but one can be more strategic and achieve greater success. The Q♦️ also represents an older wealthier woman or gentle person that appreciates the 5♣️ and shares mutual benefit.

The J♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 5 ♣️ wants to take action on creative thinking that is often also immature and reckless thinking. The J♣️ can be a young creative and/or mischievous person that the 5♣️ admires when the 5♣️ is most upset and unconscious. The 5♣️ may idealize this young person and dreamily follow the perceived example of reckless change. The 5♣️ thinks action should be immediate, when actually one should take some breaths and see how one feels not with the hope that one will not make a change at all, but instead so that the changes will be most effective. The 5♣️ has the opportunity to use creativity to make the needed changes in such a way that one is helped rather than leaping and falling.

The 6♦️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 5 ♣️ intends to make steady gains toward securing one’s values in life. The 5♣️ hates the idea of losing out on progress, and so often one’s feelings lead to just that…loss and delay. The 5♣️ should be encouraged to make steady progress as this type of slow and steady progress is exactly what the 5♣️ is most comfortable doing. Over time, the 5♣️ discovers that one is much more settled when progress is steady and routine rather than full of sudden unexpected changes.

The 5♣️ becomes one that changes thoughts and feelings most effectively and productively as part of a gentle lifestyle of creative steady advance of values.