Today on the Four of Diamonds in Sagittarius, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Jupiter card in the Waking Spread which is the Six of Spades. This reading is about certain aspects of the Six of Spades. This is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/8, 2/6, 3/4, 4/2.
The 6♠️ intentionally acts and manifests particularly in the areas of work, health, sexuality, and spirituality. The 6♠️ is influenced in development by strong adult figures such that one nurtures and one gives instruction and both energies can come from the same person. The 6♠️ is attracted to information and to those that skillfully wield it. The 6♠️ is able to make a strong impression on others with a particular talent, ability, or personality. The 6♠️ is often regarded well by leaders, and also becomes a leader, but one needs to take care to take no shortcuts. There can be obstacles in love relationships, and much may be demanded to achieve happiness. The 6♠️ needs variety in work and in relationships and is capable of making adjustments as things change unexpectedly.
When Unconscious, the 6♠️ resists needed change. Needed change becomes apparent when relationships are difficult. When Awakened, the 6♠️ attracts highly cooperative partners and together activities are harmoniously performed.
The J♦️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 6♠️ prefers sudden gain over deliberate action that result in gain. There are no sudden manifestations other than those caused by some other event. The 6♠️ has the capacity to implement the steps that are needed to bring things into being. As with a melting glacier, the action has slow results in the beginning and unexpectedly violently fast action at some later point. The 6♠️ learns to sense when one can embark on an activity that is already ripe in its maturity.
The 8♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 6♠️ can be stubborn in one’s utopian vision. However, the 6♠️ does one’s best work on a team or in a partnership. A planned out scheme is needed for group work to move forward. An individual can use one’s gut to feel the way; group members need to all be heading in the same direction from the beginning. Also the comraderie of groups gives the 6♠️ an added incentive to work toward a shared vision.
The 10❤️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 6♠️ may become more able to follow a routine with a social network that supports one’s goals and that one’s goals help to build and sustain a rich social network. The 6♠️ resists accepting help from friends and family as well as offering to help them. But, once the helping relationships have gotten started, they create their own momentum.
It is more effective to work on goals as a collective when plans are well established and one is part of a well integrated group, but one has to let go of personal resistance to change that will be required to make the machinery of a group seem like magic.