
Today on the Three of Diamonds in Sagittarius, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Jupiter card in the Waking Spread which is the Five of Spades. This reading is about certain aspects of the Five of Spades. This is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/9, 2/7, 3/5, 4/3, 5/1

The 5♠️ makes changes to circumstances. This card identifies with loving and listening. The 5♠️ is a natural teacher with a lot to share and a full understanding of material and still unanswered questions that fuel the need for eager students. Working cooperatively brings up many personal issues that must be addressed to succeed. Romantic love is gonna cost this card, but it will introduce a level of prosperity that may otherwise not be possible. The 5♠️ is a natural mentor with plenty to say when others have problems; one needs to learn to talk to oneself freely when confronted with lack of emotional support. The 5♠️ has an excellent sense for finance and the value of things and people; one leads workers through popularity. There will be many opportunities to smooth over relationships with others.

When Unconscious, the 5♠️ cultivates a wide variety of relationships in daily life that do not serve one’s own goals and personal needs. When Awakened, the 5♠️ builds personal values and financial condition that enable a life of adventure in which relationships are plentiful and satisfying.

The K♦️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 5♠️ has the capacity to operate as a leader in business and personal values. One may observe others who appear in full control of their own values as examples for living, because otherwise these folks will be little more than an irritation if one is catering to others’ needs while ignoring one’s own needs.

The A♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 5♠️ has deep vast hunger for knowledge. One will make one’s greatest gains in self empowerment by traveling broadly, meeting unusual people from varied cultural views, and falling deeply in love if only briefly. These experiences are not easy for the 5♠️. But this card is a classic adventurer that is willing to take risks for excitement and gain.

The 6❤️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 5♠️ is quite capable of establishing and maintaining deep involved emotional relationships with friends, family, and business associates. The 5♠️ does not have to cater to others or compromise in any way to facilitate peace. Instead, the 5♠️ exudes emotional involvement that captures others in its honest intention. Others know they belong with the 5♠️ like litter-mates. When the 5♠️ races off on an adventure with the cell phone turned off and calls straight to voicemail, the associates of the enlightened 5♠️ feel no resentments. They understand the 5♠️ is on a mission to build emotional stability that will one day be shared freely with them as sacred family.

It is the need of the 5♠️ to build an individualistic existence that leaves nobody permanently behind as one takes full command of the human living of an eternal soul.