
Today on the Three of Clubs in Sagittarius, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Jupiter card in the Waking Spread which is the Five of Diamonds. This reading is about certain aspects of the Five of Diamonds. This is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/22, 2/20, 3/18, 4/16, 5/14, 6/12, 7/10, 8/8, 9/6, 10/4, 11/2.

The 5♦️changes values. One changes values when one discovers that one isn’t satisfied while achieving current values. When Unconscious, the 5♦️resists the completions of a value cycle that are inherent to change of value. For instance, if one has believed in owning a huge house that requires regular maintenance, a full time gardener, and a cleaner; but now one thinks there would be more privacy and ease in a highrise condominium. The completion part includes the expense of moving location, finding a new owner or renter for the house, possibly downsizing furnishing by selling some and/or buying new stuff. This completion may feel like a loss rather than a gain when actually it is both at the same time. When Awakened, one realizes that one’s pleasures are balanced with one’s sorrows. One is aware that one’s own thinking has led one from desire to desire. One flows with current thinking and makes good decisions based on present circumstances.

The 5♦️ is influenced early on by a disciplined woman that may shape one to resist pleasures yet one’s desire for value burns strong and one seeks value and pleasure at every phase of life. When one discovers a prize, one knows exactly how to secure it. One falls in love with fiery intensity, but love almost always costs more than one expects in terms of what one must give up that one values in order to please one’s lover. Spirituality and the mysteries of religion provide great benefits to this card as one learns one’s own secrets and one learns to lead a balanced life with change that is more productive and less destructive. It is difficult to talk to others with compassion and empathy, but the benefit of vulnerability includes the best pleasures and the most open and expansive communication. There is the tendency to think that one’s ideas have stabilized and that there are no more surprises coming, but there are many more changes in arrears. One hopes to lead a magical life of pleasure, and one will find when looking backwards that life has been quite intriguing and pleasure filled.

Waking and Dreaming Mirrors are both the 6♣️ which indicates that getting one’s way always includes the flexibility to adjust one’s mental intention. One who wishes for more wishes is preparing for change as feelings and thoughts change so rapidly. Letting go of one’s old ideas and values permits true determination to take hold, whereas resisting change merely interrupts a natural movement toward determination. Only by establishing lasting determination does the 5♦️move decisively and assuredly to grasp one’s treasure and to hold it indefinitely.

The 10♣️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 5♦️ intends to live in complete mental satisfaction without nagging doubts about one’s goals and intentions. There are many upsetting changes in store for the 5♦️ that does not quickly identify with mental satisfaction and decisive living. One that hesitates to identify with core beliefs also fails to become or remain determined in one’s activities. The process of abandoning one’s previously cherished goals and values, leads to new beginnings and satisfaction with ultimate resulting desires that are more attuned to one’s nature.

One changes values to meet new awareness of core values. One’s values lead to fulfillment and vibrant communication.