Today on the Seven of Hearts in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the Nine of Spades. This reading is primarily about the 7❤️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 9/30, 10/28, 11/26, 12/24.
The 7❤️ facilitates balanced feelings in self and with others by attuning to increasingly subtle feeling. When Unconscious, one exercises control over one’s own feelings and feelings of others through personal and social charisma. When Awakened, one discovers one’s own secrets and those of others and those that exist in relationships while maintaining discretion and appreciation for respectful healthy boundaries.
In early development, the 7❤️ is introduced to limited resources and the need to make choices based on feeling when navigating the inherent limits of sharing resources. Pleasure is found in adventure that builds useful feelings in relationships. One may be risk-taking in romance but still discipline oneself. In midlife, one has many life experiences that one reflects on as a source of wisdom; one attempts to lead others in practical matters by nurturing their useful ideas, though there is a tendency to argue. During the ages 28-34 and 52-64 and all one’s life when born December 24th, one struggles to make gains in one’s preferred values; it will be required to cede many preferred values as one makes forward progress overall. One may fall deeply in love suddenly and unexpectedly even late in life; one’s own emotional maturity is attractive and also provides the capacity to love in a variety of situations.
The 4♠️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 7❤️ seeks to establish security for oneself on all levels and is able to do all the footwork. When one does not know oneself including that which gives oneself pleasure and that which makes one suffer, it is difficult to be comfortable with oneself and in all relationships. As one becomes aware of how one feels in relationships, new information is part of the revelation; as new information arises, one is able to build a foundation on firmer ground. Thus, one hungers for new revealing details in all one’s relationships. As one’s life becomes more grounded in reality, one opens many doors to new expressions of love and new avenues to receive love.
The A♣️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 7❤️ seeks information about one’s soulmate. When information is actively sought, there can be unexpected events and disclosures that upset current situations. New information leads to the release of hidden energy that may emerge as arguments or disputes about the revelation.
The A❤️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 7 ❤️ is most naturally seeking and introducing love and feeling in relationships. Love is the philosophy that amplifies security for the 7❤️. When one is imbued and surrounded with love; there is no threat, there is no danger, every other being is an extension of self through affection and caring. No boundaries exist anymore because they are irrelevant. And one maintains security without requiring it.
One leads a balanced emotional life through self-knowledge; one that knows oneself is secure in love and most naturally loves others with attraction, affection, and inclusive respect.