
Today on the Six of Spades in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the Three of Hearts. This reading is primarily about the 6♠️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/8, 2/6, 3/4, and 4/2.

The 6♠️ demonstrates and continues habits in work, health, and spirituality. When Unconscious, one prefers to continue with old patterns of behavior that one is accustomed to perform even when they obstruct one’s emotional fulfillment. When Awakened, one cooperates with others to concentrate awareness of modifications or renovations of existing habits that result in dramatic increase of enthusiasm, energy, and success.

In early life, one receives pleasure from a nurturing adult and direction in all things from a controlling adult, together influencing one to seek pleasure and work methodically to attain desires. One is attracted to knowledgeable individuals that don’t push their views but instead demonstrate a neutral attitude while achieving success. One gets one’s needs met by working harder and smarter than other people in the pursuit of positive attention. By mid-age, one is able to over come most difficulties that come in one’s direction through mastery and creativity; one should set high goals as one can achieve them. As one matures during the years 28-34 and 52-64 and all the life for those born January 8th, one may love freely as long as one is willing to give constantly; when one is unwilling or unable to make concessions, one needs to make love decisions in some cases. As one ages, one’s curiosity about the world increases, and one strives to become more generous toward needy people. In old age, one is able to offer guidance to others from an entirely loving condition.

The 8♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 6♠️ gets the most beneficial opportunities to work cooperatively with others when one has first concentrated mental energy on a potential activity.

The J♦️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 6♠️ often feels that activities are endless drudgery. Periodically, unexpected encounters with magic and mystery occur that awaken desires for creativity, novelty, and excitement. Participating in activities that others initiate is an avenue of intrigue and enthusiasm for one that tends to follow a stable pattern on one’s own.

The 10❤️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 6♠️ has a great need to share love and attention with a large group of friends and family. One is excited to do things together with close friends and family. The structure of shared activities, can be somewhat difficult due to the strain of others’ preferences overriding personal patterns, but the activity can be energizing as well. Once one is surrounded by a friendly group, all kinds of opportunities for letting go of outdated habits will arise, and one may find that it is easier to change tired habits than one had expected.

One gets into a groove of living for the ultimate purpose of getting one’s needs met. Surrounding oneself with loving friends and family is a natural start for the ultimate goal of working cooperatively to make miracles.