
Today on the Nine of Diamonds in Pisces, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Neptune card in the Waking Spread which is the Two of Spades. This reading is primarily about the 9♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/18, 2/16, 3/14, 4/12, 5/10, 6/8, 7/6, 8/4, and 9/2.

The 9♦️ completes cycles of value which entail building value, enjoying value, and letting go of values that become subordinate to new value. When Unconscious, one attempts to hold on to values that have already become subordinate to new values or one may vacillate in value decisions as one tries to avoid letting values change. When Awakened, one assertively facilitates the change in values that is inevitable as the cycle of value proceeds.

In early life and pervading one’s thinking; inclinations may be blocked and one may be subject to worry, but a life of balanced action and freedom awaits. One is attracted to parties and conversation. One gets needs met by mastery of planning and communication, while fostering smooth relationships with others. In mid-life and when leading a life balancing the material and spiritual, one creatively produces wealth and defends one’s values; staying in one place for long is not encouraged and travel brings rewards. As one matures through obstacles, delays, and struggles; marriage and family life are difficult but lead to intuition. As one ages and becomes aware of inconsistencies between opinions and experiences, building and sustaining firm values leads to talent and success teaching others. In old age and as one retires to contemplate, pray, and meditate during the years 42-48, 78-90, and all one’s life for those born March 14th; relationships and cooperation are an ongoing focus.

The 8♠️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 9♦️is intensely ambitious and has difficulty letting go of accomplishment and creations. One needs to remember that one’s power will not be diminished by accepting the inevitable; one should embrace the cycle of gain and loss by preparing for eventual loss.

The J♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 9♦️adapts easily to changing circumstances. It is recommended that one mold oneself to circumstances and allow change. There is a tendency to adapt by resistance, but it is recommended to adapt by submission when one senses that change is inevitable.

The 4♣️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 9♦️needs to relax most of the time. One tends to worry, and worry does not lead to solution. Let the mind settle so that nature works its wonders without interruption. Within peace, one easily adapts to change with minimal loss while taking steps in preparation for new growth.

Change in values can be productive when part of a natural process that initiates one into new growth.