
Today on the Two of Spades in Aries, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mars card in the Waking Spread which is the Six of Spades. This reading is primarily about the 2♠️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/12, 2/10, 3/8, 4/6, 5/4, and 6/2.

The 2♠️ works together to accomplish goals either by following or leading. When Unconscious, one responds to others as potential activity partners that may be cooperative or uncooperative and thus are either exciting or irritating. When Awakened, one experiences others with the open flexibility as either leader or follower, and one assumes the most appropriate role to get work or play done most effectively with each individual.

In early life and pervading one’s thinking; personal and social charisma lead to shared activities that often require one to give more than is received; the benefit for oneself is the opportunity to actualize desires with others’ help. One is attracted to shared ideas, but in order to get communication started, one must begin the sharing process. One gets needs met during the years 14-20, 26-38, and all one’s life for those born April 6th by making steady efforts which often lead to receiving help from others. In mid-life and when leading a life balancing the material and spiritual, one satisfies many desires for pleasure without disrupting relationships. As one matures through obstacles, delays, and struggles; one effectively puts to use one’s knowledge, and others may need more attention than one can easily tolerate. As one ages and becomes aware of inconsistencies between opinions and experiences; listening to others helps one to rise to prominence. In old age and as one retires to contemplate, pray, and meditate; one should insist on the greatest accomplishments as all of one’s experience helps one to succeed with great effort and one will not be satisfied with small gains.

As Double Dreaming Uranus, the 2♠️ is an innovator intent on changing circumstances and playing an active role implementing ideas that are different than current situations.

The 8♣️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 2♠️ gets more done with concentrated planning, and those that have plans benefit from cooperative others.

The J♣️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 2♠️strives to implement ideas. One learns which ideas are impractical versus useful, and this process is threatening to one’s ideals. One will have dynamic experiences with creative types and with personal creativity. One gains from fearless attempts to materialize ideas.

Take charge or let others lead the way; get busy in activities as just thinking will not be sufficient even though one is primarily a thinker with innovative ideas.