
Today on the Four of Clubs in Cancer, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Moon card in the Waking Spread which is the Six of Hearts. This reading is primarily about the 4♣️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 4/30, 5/28, 6/26, 7/24, 8/22, 9/20, 10/18, 11/16, and 12/14.

The 4♣️ builds mental peace with a foundation of strengths and then one can address mental weakness where one struggles. When Unconscious, one constantly changes ideas without noticing that one has become overwrought with feeling insecure and self-loathing and escapism. When Awakened, one maintains existing relationships knowing associates support development of values and one’s material goals including altruism.

One comes into this life with a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. These are usually conceptualized as the Waking State and the Dreaming State, but they actually blend all of the time and most especially for Cancers. In the subconscious mind of the 4♣️ born 6/26 one is driven to maintain social relationships even unhealthy ones, but of course one has the choice to insist on healthy relationships.

In early life and pervading one’s conscious thinking; one needs to build and share value with others in a non-possessive and loving even idealistic manner. One is attracted in adolescence and young adulthood by by expertise, and one works very hard to meet the criteria of mentors. One gets needs met, one generates much energy, and one may have conflict as one concentrates mental power and achieves success and attention. In mid-life and when leading a life balancing the material and spiritual; one builds enormous charisma such that one makes major progress in goals with others’ willing help. As one matures through obstacles, delays, and struggles; one works relentlessly for personal security, but one must take time to rest lest one get sick or exhausted. As one ages and becomes aware of inconsistencies between opinions and experiences; one must honor one’s need for down time and let the parties and gathering take care of themselves; also friends and family can call another dome of the time. In old age and as one retires to contemplate, pray, and meditate; one experiences the best sense of prosperity and material success.

As Double Dreaming Mars, the 4♣️ indicates that strife is at every turn in one’s life. The only way out of conflict is doing nothing. One can usually withdraw from conflict to establish peace, but if one must fight, one should strive to fight with compassion rather than hostility.

The 10♥️ Waking Mirror Indicates that the 4♣️ tries to rest and withdraw from social interaction to gather and stabilize thoughts, but one popular and in demand, so rest often does not happen easily.

The 9♦️Sleeping Mirror Indicates that the 4♣️ much of one’s anxiety stems from worries about losing situations, people, and conditions that one values. One has an innate acceptance that loss is only possible when one first does have things of value. One realizes that loss is an indication of initial prosperity. Also, one must lose before one gains, so often as one relaxes and lets go of attachment, new value floods into one’s life.

Rest and still engage but do so with an organized mind.