Today on the Two of Clubs in Leo, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Sun card in the Waking Spread which is also the 2♣️; so Leos born on 7/26 are considered Double 2♣️. This reading is primarily about the 2♣️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 5/30, 6/28, 7/26, 8/24, 9/22, 10/20, 11/18, and 12/16.
The 2♣️ converses with a partner and forms relationships to share ideas. When Unconscious, intense desires for experience lead to the temptation to take advantage of discoveries that arise in discussion; boundaries protect all parties in a relationship. When Awakened, one is a protector that recognizes the need for personal sacrifice and departure from old ways of life leading to fulfillment for one’s partner.
One gets needs met, one generates much energy, and one may have conflict establishing firm feelings in relationships while finding ways to share value. In mid-life and when leading a life balancing the material and spiritual, one discovers that the integrity one develops and nurtures by sharing personal strength and hope from experience leads to the strengthening of personal values and desire fulfillment. As one matures through obstacles, delays, and struggles; one experiences hardship and loss of freedom when putting relationships first by encouraging the development of honesty in self and others.
The 3♥️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 2♣️ enjoys basking in the pleasures of conversational sharing of feelings without any other purpose beyond feeling the energy between others and oneself. One does well to strive for a deepening of connection in which both individuals derive important value from the interaction.
The 7♣️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 2♣️ may prefer to reap benefits from conversations that have not been earned. One is recommended to affirm facts and follow an ethical way of life.
The 10♠️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 2♣️ follows pleasure in a conversation that leads to one’s philosophical calling with others. One hears others’ deep needs and one responds with valuable information and experience that partners and self put to use for benefit.
Sharing ideas serves a higher purpose when performed as a prayer in absolute integrity.