
Today on the Six of Clubs in Leo, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Sun card in the Waking Spread which is also the 6♣️; so Leos born on 8/20 are considered Double 6♣️. This reading is primarily about the 6♣️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 3/30, 4/28, 5/26, 6/24, 7/22, 8/20, 9/18, 10/16, 11/14, and 12/12.

The 6♣️ plans and communicates in continuation of past efforts. When Unconscious, one forces others and oneself to comply with unattractive ideas as one has built up the momentum of plans that one fully intends to complete. When Awakened, one communicates regarding value opportunities so that others (along with self) reap benefits from activities as one is filled with affection one must share.

The 5♦️ Dreaming/Waking Mirror indicates that the 6♣️ has a tendency to be stuck in old emotional baggage. It is essential to share ideas and let old ideas that may be out worn to be impacted by free communication.

J♦️Sleeping Mirror indicates that creative development of value opportunities is a hidden strength for the 6♣️. Security of values including wealth is a long term goal along with love, but much change often must happen when one has insisted on keeping things the same for a long time.

A lot can be done by making adjustments in methods rather than continually increasing the amount of energy applied to a situation.