Today on the Q♥️ in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the 5♣️. This reading is primarily about the Q♥️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 7/29, 8/27, 9/25, 10/23, 11/21, and 12/19.
The Q♥️ nurtures and beautifies experience. One struggles with the hard work that is required to take projects to completion, though the ability is certainly there. One succeeds when fine tuning thinking, planning, and communicating as one bears immense experience connecting with both self and others; and one sees areas of improvement that bring success.
The 4♦️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the Q♥️ wants firm values and a strong financial foundation. Escapist tendencies often interfere with completion of activities and efforts. People-pleasing should be curtailed whenever it interferes with solidification of personal values. Anytime one feels the need to obfuscate in order to preserve personal resources and not upset anyone, one should consider the long term results of the social involvement.
As Waking Double Neptune, the Q♥️ dreams oneself into superior or inferior situations. Watch the nature of personal dreams. Dreaming is made conscious by doing it without intoxicants and without becoming too satisfied. The best imagination is somewhere between pain and pleasure as these dreams train the mind to solve problems that plague the Waking State.
The 3♠️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the Q♥️ is learning to follow one’s gut instinct. One is rewarded with easy pleasure when following one’s gut by making hard decisions that may be counter-intuitive at times, going against past experiences of self and others due to a sixth sense. As one reaps the benefits of fulfilled desires, one’s mental courage grows. One learns to reach out to others, and one learns to attract needy others that are ready to be nurtured and guided with personal wisdom and emotional strength.
Mental freedom reveals many avenues to build strength and wisdom that all lead to the establishment of firm values and financial stability.