Today on the 4♥️ in Sagittarius, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Jupiter card in the Waking Spread which is the 6♣️. This reading is primarily about the 4♥️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 10/31, 11/29, and 12/27.
The 4♥️ works to construct foundations of feelings and relationships. One struggles to build personal security on all levels of one’s life that require attention to emotions, philosophy, and finances. One does well to work long and hard in all endeavors, and others come to one’s assistance.
The 9♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 4♥️ wants to refine thinking, planning, and communicating. Others tend to object to methods and intentions from time to time; and one prefers to avoid conflict with resolution. It is best to address conflicts constructively with receptivity so that reasonable concessions can be considered.
The A♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 4♥️ practices fulfillment of intense desires of all types. There is a burning ambition for intimacy of great intensity. Boundaries will need to be cultivated. Conversation is a strength for building relationships on a foundation of shared information.
The J♥️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 4♥️ is learning to offer love in a youthful, creative, and daring manner. Once one has created a firm foundation in all areas of life, one is prepared to love with one’s whole being. One then proceeds to identify lovers who may be romantic partners or may also be non-romantic partners such as family and friends.
Long-held views and plans, continously addressed, lead to others being interested in learning from one’s own efforts.