Today on the 4♣️ in Sagittarius, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Jupiter card in the Waking Spread which is the 6♦️. This reading is primarily about the 4♣️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 4/30, 5/28, 6/26, 7/24, 8/22, 9/20, 10/18, 11/16, and 12/14.
As Double Dreaming Mars, the 4♣️ wants to interact with others directly and without artifice or cultural interference. It is possible to meet people where both individuals see eye to eye without any misdirection or obfuscation so that even with disappointment there is no enmity. One wants to be brother and sister.
The 10♥️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 4♣️ practices joyous interaction with others. At times in social interaction, one may notice that social success serves the purpose of smoothing over transactions that otherwise might have contentious disputes over imbalances. Over time, one’s personality is eroded and re-formed toward increasing authenticity that organically promotes joyous interactions.
The 9♦️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 4♣️ is learning to lead a prosperous life in which steep expenses are welcomed as part of a successful material existence. Valuable materials and experiences are received through exchanges that are welcomed. Negotiation is willingly and gracefully pursued so that the value is full and satisfying. Complete appreciation of the value of community and group prosperity is the result of efforts to freely share ideas about values with neighbors, clients, friends, and family.
One works long hours throughout one’s life to create mental peace while advancing personal desires that ultimately shift into a temperament of nurture.