Today on the Q♠️ in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the K♣️. This reading is about the Q♠️ which is the Birth Card of the following date: 1/2.
Since there is only one Q♠️, it is advisable to study the K♣️ deeply to fully understand the Q♠️.
The Q♠️ employs self-mastery to accomplish goals. One struggles to manifest success and to be content with steady progress that one knows is real regardless of external affirmation. One does well to concentrate and direct desire toward the accomplishment of personal goals.
As Dreaming Jupiter Crown one wants to accomplish major goals. One tends to evaluate accomplishment as it evolves in terms of material reward including the respect one receives in recognition of success. It is helpful to nurture goals with gentle analysis and positive visualization of ongoing efforts. There is ample reason to love oneself and others at all times regardless of the stage of accomplishment that one has reached.
The 3♦️ Waking Mirror indicates one develops and shares values with others. There are difficulties with social enmeshment that must be addressed to flow freely with development of personal goals. One does well to identify with the community as a whole as one’s extended social network so as to draw strength from social engagement with universal values.
As Double Sleeping Jupiter, one is learning to build win-win situations, and one is learning that all rewards achieved are ultimately to be shared. It is helpful if one directs attention toward teaching others how to reach one’s own level of accomplishment, thus affording others a step-up. Teaching others has the added benefit of revealing underutilized information that can then be employed for one’s own success.
One is using self-discipline to make major accomplishments. Teaching and helping others with accumulated expertise nurtures the success of others and also of oneself.