
Today on the 3♠️ in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the J♣️. This reading is about the 3♠️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/11, 2/9,  3/7, 4/5, and 5/3.

The 3♠️ develops work, health, and spiritual experience. One struggles to persevere manifesting desires that one has maintained for a long time. One does well to employ creativity to discover, develop, and enjoy desires.

The 9♠️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 3♠️ wants to succeed in all endeavors, but not all activities are meant to complete in their current form. One needs to dig deep into the foundation of personal feeling to see if one’s goals are essential when one runs into barriers. Others will offer insight that one can use to discover personal truth about one’s priorities. One will be surprised that there are long held attractions and goals that have reached expiration even though apparently incomplete.

The 8♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 3♠️ concentrates and directs experience. It is important that one master all details that one can about a particular goal before attempting to lead others in a shared task. They will be more likely to help when they trust one’s expertise and openness to communicate with honesty.

The Q♥️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 3♠️ is learning to nurture feeling and beauty. As one nurtures self and others, old mistakes stop repeating as one finds new and better ways of living.

Develop experience with youthful creative ideas that enable discovery.