
Today on the 10♦️ in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the 5♥️. This reading is about the 10♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/17, 2/15, 3/13, 4/11, 5/9, 6/7, 7/5, 8/3, and 9/1.

The 10♦️ succeeds in desire fulfillment. One struggles to analyze goals for feasibility and one struggles to elicit solutions to obstacles. One does well to master all tasks leading to goal success.

The 6♥️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that one wants to maintain emotional connections and attachments while pursuing goals that may naturally separate one from the past including inappropriate relationships. There is a need to withdraw attention from any relationship that becomes an obstacle to happiness.

As Double Waking Jupiter, one gives energy and joy to activities that deliver energy and joy. Therefore, there is no real limit to what can be accomplished as there is an ever expanding supply of energy.

The 9♠️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that one is learning to let go of any task or association or feeling that is not delivering success commensurate with the investment one is making. As one refines efforts to align with intention, momentum and success build.

Relationships are an essential part of success and happiness that need as much attention and energy as all other goals that one desires. Associations can reinforce personal goals when goals are shared. Establish, refine, and when needed separate if a relationship is a direct obstacle to success.