
Today on the 6♦️ in Aquarius, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Uranus card in the Waking Spread which is the A♦️. This reading is about the 6♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/21, 2/19, 3/17, 4/15, 5/13, 6/11, 7/9, 8/7, 9/5, 10/3, and 11/1.

The 6♦️ continues past efforts to get desires met. One works long hours when work is available toward cherished goals. Others cannot direct one if it is not one’s choice. Alternately, others often feel directed when they veer outside the preferences of this card. Openness to plans and communications that others initiate is the most progressive stance that brings forward the outstanding benefits.

One strives to maintain already existing momentum toward goal completion, and others’ ideas can seem contrary and oppositional. There are opportunities to let others be a part of goal fulfillment. It is best to experience the role of others as an integral part of one’s own creative process. One is hungry for success, and others also want to succeed. With healthy balance between one’s own and others’ needs, co-creativity creates the momentum and success one desires.