Today on the K♦️ in Aquarius, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Uranus card in the Waking Spread which is the 6♦️. This reading is primarily about the K♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/14, 2/12, 3/10, 4/8, 5/6, 6/4, and 7/2.
The K♦️masters values and guides others with value judgment. One struggles to communicate freely and gracefully. One does well to follow the Golden Rule in all matters.
The A♦️ Dreaming/Sleeping Mirror indicates that one wants to get one’s own way and at times one elects to treat others in ways that are hurtful with an attitude that ends justify means. One is learning to express oneself freely and invite direct and immediate feedback regarding efforts to get needs met so that others are fully included in the process of success.
The 5♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that one changes many conditions throughout one’s life as one recognizes that situations are unsatisfactory. One tends to attempt to satisfy others much of the time even when one prefers to make significant changes. One does well to focus on personal values and establish one’s own satisfaction.
Be aware of one’s impact on others when communicating with them, as words do matter even though one is often right and working with great effort and dedication for personal values.