
Today on the Q♦️ in Pisces, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Neptune card in the Waking Spread which is the Q♠️. This reading is primarily about the Q♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/15, 2/13, 3/11, 4/9, 5/7, 6/5, 7/3, and 8/1.

The Q♦️ masters and nurtures values. One struggles to make value decisions that often include how one values relationships in terms of one’s resources. One does well to be willing to share resources and to use resources to make life easier and more pleasant.

The 7♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the Q♦️wants to view the dispersal of resources through the lens of neutrality. One personalizes relationships and the role of money in relationships, which test one’s willingness to remain neutral about the purpose of resources.

The 5♣️ Waking Mirror indicates that the Q♦️ practices making changes to plans and directions with others and oneself. Feelings change, and one alters plans to be in alignment. Otherwise, one would not be at peace.

The 8♦️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the Q♦️is learning to concentrate value that one already does possess as well as to identify new sources of value that one can develop. There is an assurance that stems from the dedicated effort that is needed to develop value. As one develops and concentrates value, one acquires a neutral perspective of value and its use in one life.

Mastery and nurture of values requires discipline, dedication, and creativity.