
Today on the K♦️ in Cancer, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Moon card in the Waking Spread which is the K♥️. This reading is primarily about the K♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/14, 2/12, 3/10, 4/8, 5/6, 6/4, and 7/2.

The K♦️ experiences a rush of material desires that one attempts to satisfy, and over the course of a lifetime, one masters the techniques of securing desires as well as balancing needs versus wants so that some desires need not be fulfilled while some desires are effortlessly fulfilled. One learns that needs are definitely secured while living, but wants may not be at every turn.

The A♦️ Dreaming/Sleeping Mirror indicates that you long to fulfill all of your desires, but you learn along the way in a competitive world that often when you win someone else loses. You learn to exercise compassion the suffering of others as much as you care for yourself. This tempers the desired objects you are willing to fight to secure. There have been times when you wanted something that required allies and you felt that you were betrayed in some way and this has contributed to anxiety and grief. You are learning to worry less about others’ feelings and thoughts about you that don’t affect or impact you. You are learning to identify with values that are of a higher order than material or social. You are learning to open your awareness to the energy of the Universe that creates plenty for all including yourself.

The 5♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that you are often dissatisfied with things as they are in your life. Travel is exciting and romantic for you, and it alleviates concerns about daily life. It is fun for you to try new cultural experiences as they broaden your perspectives. Travel also forces you to detach from daily responsibilities, because you are not present to address them directly as they arise. Distance creates freedom for you. Freedom is an unburdening of your disciplined life, and you become available to live as though you have no attachment to your normal life.

You balance a life of desires and feelings as you recognize that you are responsible for everything that you experience; and you take charge of your life as a master.

Notable Events 7/2 K♦️/K♥️:

Thomas Savery patents the first steam engine (1698)

Thirty-five slaves, including Denmark Vesey, are hanged in South Carolina after being accused of organizing a slave rebellion (1822)

Charles J. Guiteau shoots and fatally wounds U.S. President. James A. Garfield (1881)

The first Walmart store, then known as Wal-Mart, opens for business in Rogers, Arkansas (1962)

Civil rights movement: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson  signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 meant to prohibit segregation in public places (1964)

Hermann Hesse, German-born Swiss poet, novelist, and painter, Nobel Prize laureate (born 1877)

René Lacoste, French tennis player and businessman, created the polo shirt (born 1904)

Thurgood Marshall, American lawyer and jurist, 32nd Solicitor General of the United States (born 1908)

Pierre Cardin, Italian-French fashion designer (born 1922)

Medgar Evers, American soldier and activist (born 1925)

Imelda Marcos, Filipino politician; 10th First Lady of the Philippines (born 1929)

Dave Thomas, American businessman and philanthropist, founded Wendy’s (born 1932)

Vicente Fox, Mexican businessman and politician, 35th President of Mexico (born 1942)

Ron Silver, American actor, director, and political activist (born 1946)

Lindsay Lohan, American actress and singer (born 1986)