
Today on the J♣️ in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is 2♠️. This reading is about the J♣️ Birth Card of 1/29, 2/27, 3/25, 4/23, 5/21, 6/19, 7/17, 8/15, 9/13, 10/11, 11/9, & 12/7.

The J♣️ youthfully, creatively, heroically, and sometimes recklessly develops ideas, plans, and agreements.

The 5♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that one needs to fully experience feelings with zero suppression so that one’s naturally restless mind is under the least stress possible.

The 9♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that one’s creative ideas help one to address needed changes that have been ignored. One may choose to use creativity to postpone needed changes but that course is not recommended.

The 2♠️ Sleeping  Mirror indicates that one is learning to seize each opportunity that arises often with the help of potential partners that will participate in the harvest.

The Scorpio J♣️ transforms self and others by entering into partnerships that challenge one to accept a full range of feelings.

Notable Events 11/9 J♣️/2♠️:

Kentucky marshals abduct abolitionist minister Calvin Fairbank from Jeffersonville, Indiana, and take him to Kentucky to stand trial for helping a slave escape (1851)

Theodore Roosevelt is the first sitting President of the United States to make an official trip outside the country. He did so to inspect progress on the Panama Canal (1906)

Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany abdicates after the German Revolution, and Germany is proclaimed a Republic (1918)

A Catholic Worker Movement member, Roger Allen LaPorte, protesting against the Vietnam War, sets himself on fire in front of the United Nations building (1965)

The German Bundestag passes the controversial data retention bill mandating storage of citizens’ telecommunications traffic data for six months without probable cause (2007)

Notable Births 11/9 J♣️/2♠️:

Gail Borden, American surveyor and publisher, invented  condensed milk (b 1801)

Hedy Lamarr, Austrian-American actress and inventor (b 1914)

Spiro Agnew, American soldier, lawyer, and politician, criminal 39th Vice President of the United States (b 1918)

Dorothy Dandridge, American actress, singer, and dancer (b 1922)

Carl Sagan, American astronomer, astrophysicist, and cosmologist (b 1934)

Notable Deaths 11/9 J♣️/2♠️:

Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, wife/widow of Alexander Hamilton and co-founder of the first private orphanage in New York (d 1854)

Henry Cabot Lodge, American historian and politician (d 1924)

Neville Chamberlain, English businessman and politician,  Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d 1940)

Chaim Weizmann, Belarusian Israeli chemist, academic, and politician, 1st President of Israel (d 1952)

Dylan Thomas, Welsh poet and author (d 1953)

Charles de Gaulle, French general and politician, 18th  President of France (d 1970)

Art Carney, American actor and comedian (d 2003)

Ernst Fuchs, Austrian painter, sculptor, and illustrator (d 2015)