
Today on the 3♠️ in Gemini, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mercury card in the Waking Spread which is 9♥️. This reading is about the 3♠️ Birth Card of 1/11, 2/9, 3/7, 4/5, 5/3, and 6/1.

The 3♠️ follows joy where it leads no matter what must be left behind while consolidating efforts and gains and conserving energy and resources.

The 9♠️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that one needs to discover value in daily life as though it is a gift intended just for thyself which tends to require separation from doubt and depression so one recognizes grace as given.

The 8♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that one balances generosity with conservation because the world has ample resources that must not be wasted.

The Q♥️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that one is learning to maintain efforts toward long held goals that nurture thyself and others.

Gemini 3♠️ suffers losses while following a path of integrity so that one learns a life of selflessness and courage.