Today on the A♦️ in Gemini, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mercury card in the Waking Spread which is Q♦️. This reading is about the A♦️ Birth Card of 1/26, 2/24, 3/22, 4/20, 5/18, 6/16, 7/14, 8/12, 9/10, 10/8, 11/6, and 12/4.
The A♦️ discovers, initiates, and introduces values.
The K♦️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that one needs to discover, initiate, and introduce feeling including both love and anger that help one master and direct values including business in the world.
The 8♥️ Waking Mirror indicates that one uses personal and social charisma to discover and harness resources for gains and enjoyment.
The K♦️ Sleeping Mirror Indicates that one is learning to co-create and share values with partners because cooperative ventures are much more powerful for business success than alone ventures.
Gemini A♦️ accumulates wealth and higher values that coincide with rejection of static views of life and daily situations.