Today on the A♣️ in Cancer, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Moon card in the Waking Spread which is 3♥️. This reading is about the A♣️ Birth Card of 5/31, 6/29, 7/27, 8/25, 9/23, 10/21, 11/19, and 12/17.
The A♣️ has a life of inquiry and exploration that is tempered by restrictions on personal freedom.
The 5♠️ Dreaming Mirror needs to passionately embrace and then separate to act out the drama of total change to one’s core identity.
The 7♥️ Waking Mirror leads one to explore the world and significant others with an eye for respect and true understanding.
The 5♥️ Sleeping Mirror is learning to love with absolute commitment so that when one needs to change feelings it is an inside job first and foremost rather than an attempt to change others.
Cancer A♣️ is an open loving character who seeks wisdom as much as joy.