Today on the 9♣️ in Leo, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Sun card in the Waking Spread which is 9♣️. This reading is about the 9♣️ Birth Card of 1/31, 2/29, 3/27, 4/25, 5/23, 6/21, 7/19, 8/17, 9/15, 10/13, 11/11, and 12/9.
The 9♣️ refines thinking, communicating, planning, negotiating, and agreeing.
The 4♥️ Dreaming Mirror needs to make forward progress fulfilling desires and developing values to be able to build and establish harmonious relationships and family life.
The 5♥️ Waking Mirror changes feelings and relationships as needed to adjust thinking, but at times one should focus less on others and more on one’s own emotional reactions.
As Sleeping Double Neptune, one learns to let imagination serve one’s growth and development rather than be a source of dissipation when challenges arise.
Leo 9♣️ knows the answer to every question and every riddle in one’s own life, because one is the answer oneself.