
Today on the 6♣️ in Leo, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Sun card in the Waking Spread which is 6♣️. This reading is about the 6♣️ Birth Card of 3/30, 4/28, 5/26, 6/24, 7/22, 8/20, 9/18, 10/16, 11/14, and 12/12.

The 6♣️ persists with ideas, beliefs, plans, negotiations, and agreements.

The 5♦️ Dreaming Mirror needs to co-create and share values and pleasures as one changes desires to match values and changes values to match conscience.

The 5♦️ Waking Mirror exchanges desires and values when efforts to bring plans to fruition are frustrated. One is always certain one will persist no matter what happens, and suddenly one decides that plans must change because the old goals are no longer important.

The J♦️ Sleeping Mirror learns to reserve, concentrate, and direct full undivided intention toward the keys of the kingdom that unlock the doors of wealth and spiritual treasures.

Leo 6♣️ is certain that plans will succeed but often one is incorrect, and one adjusts with creativity to another plan that one then brings to success by diving deep into its essence to find the success and bring it out into the open.