Today on the 10♥️ in Libra, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Venus card in the Waking Spread which is 8♠️. This reading is about the 10♥️ Birth Card of 7/31, 8/29, 9/27, 10/25, 11/23, and 12/21.
The 10♥️ manifests the full range of feelings, one shares feelings with a large group of special individuals, and one insists on happiness in relationships. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
The 3♣️ Dreaming Mirror needs to creatively change everything one is doing that doesn’t seem right and that blocks the ability to speak the truth as one sees it. If one cannot be gut level creative, if one has a blockage, identify a significant departure and make a move.
The 4♣️ Waking Mirror acts when centered, peaceful, and imbued with the knowledge of inner-self; others cannot give one what one gives to oneself: the contentment of peace.
The 6♠️ Sleeping Mirror learns to youthfully, creatively, heroically, and even recklessly speak and write and think to break loose from all static constructs that slowly destroy any sense of fun and excitement that life is able to offer.
Venus 10♥️ loves so much and so painfully that one may withdraw from others entirely for lengthy periods to later emerge with abundant knowledge that is freely offered in community.