
Today on the 8♥️ in Libra, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Venus card in the Waking Spread which is 6♠️. This reading is about the 8♥️ Birth Card of 8/31, 9/29, 10/27, 11/25, and 12/23.

The 8♥️ reserves and concentrates feelings thereby developing a powerful personal and social charisma. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

The 2♥️ Dreaming Mirror needs sense and observe emotional sensitivities of others and oneself while passionately engaging in relationships.

The A♦️ Waking Mirror discovers powerful new desires and values that one uses personal and social charisma to develop in relationships.

The 3♥️ Sleeping Mirror learns to regulate the four primitive urges of sex, sleep, food, and self-preservation while spontaneously expressing feelings in relationships.

Libra 8♥️ employs charisma in daily life as well as in sudden destined events to capitalize on opportunities and create a magical fortunate life.