
Today on the 5♦️ in Libra, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Venus card in the Waking Spread which is J♣️. This reading is about the 5♦️ Birth Card of 1/22, 2/20, 3/18, 4/16, 5/14, 6/12, 7/10, 8/8, 9/6, 10/4, and 11/2.

The 5♦️changes desires to accommodate perceived values. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

The 6♣️ Dreaming Mirror needs to express ideas and plans that one believes in fulfilling.

The 6♣️ Waking Mirror changes desires and exchanges values that enable one to fulfill dreams and more effectively negotiate with others to get needs met.

The 10♣️ Sleeping Mirror learns to refine values and let certain aspects of goals come to completion as part of a learning process by which one learns what is truly important.

Libra 5♦️ learns to trade lower values for higher values by studying ethics and universal law enough to become committed to a higher way of living.