Today on the 2♦️ in Libra, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Venus card in the Waking Spread which is 8♣️. This reading is about the 2♦️ Birth Card of 1/25, 2/23, 3/21, 4/19, 5/17, 6/15, 7/13, 8/11, 9/9, 10/7, 11/5, and 12/3.
The 2♦️ partners to co-create and share desires and values. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
The 7♠️ Dreaming Mirror needs to discover, identify, and introduce values and desires while respecting boundaries and inviting spiritual evolution.
The 3♣️ Waking Mirror develops ideals and plans in co-creativity with partners that share values and desires.
The 3♣️ Sleeping Mirror learns to become receptive to outside ideas, plans, negotiations, and agreements when developing one’s own plans.
Libra 2♦️reserves ideas and plans as they evolve which can interfere with the dynamic quality of partnership, but gradually one realizes that listening and sharing ideas is required for relationships of all types to succeed.