
Today on the 2♣️ in Libra, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Venus card in the Waking Spread which is the J♦️. This reading is about the 2♣️ Birth Card of 5/30, 6/28, 7/26, 8/24, 9/22, 10/20, 11/18, and 12/16.

The 2♣️ partners to co-create and share ideals, plans, negotiations, and agreements. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

The 3♥️ Dreaming Mirror needs to master feelings and guide others to become well grounded in self acceptance by not triangulating in relationships, ever present with one unique individual.

The 7♣️ Waking Mirror rejects ideas of others, while one’s own ideas are also critically received; resistance is the feedback one needs to plan collaboratively with co-equal partners.

The 10♠️ Sleeping Mirror learns that intense ambitions require overwhelming effort to complete, and one applies endless strenuous efforts that result in excellent effects.

Libra 2♣️ takes advantage of every magical opportunity to make new friends and change existing friends into better ones primarily by sharing ideas. At age 33, one begins a thirty year period of refining communication while building secure values and finances.