Today on the 9♥️ in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the K♣️. This reading is about the 9♥️ Birth Card of 8/30, 9/28, 10/26, 11/24, and 12/22.
The 9♥️ refines feelings and relationships. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
One wants what one wants when one wants it. This is true for everyone always. It is the task of the 9♥️ to face the fallout of attachment to love and all other desires more directly than others.
Scorpio 9♥️ refines feelings as part of a process of instructing others how to lead their own lives in furtherance of long-term values. At age 29, one begins a creative process which demands to be completely unfettered by agreements and constraints. This process lasts thirty years.