
Today on the A♦️ in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the Q♠️. This reading is about the A♦️ Birth Card of 1/26, 2/24, 3/22, 4/20, 5/18, 6/16, 7/14, 8/12, 9/10, 10/8, 11/6, 12/4.

The A♦️ discovers, initiates, and introduces desires and values. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

The  K♦️ Dreaming Mirror needs to invite love and introduce love before leading others in enterprise of values and desires, as no value can replace love.

The 8♥️ Waking Mirror reserves, concentrates, and directs emotional energy to secure values and desires with personal and social charisma.

The K♦️ Sleeping Mirror learns to co-create values and share pleasures as the method of mastering material so that one rules over wealth rather than being a slave of desires.

Scorpio A♦️goes to great lengths to accomplish goals, and others may interfere to their own peril in arguments, disputes, and lawsuits; but at some point, one recognizes that there is a more enlightened way to live with self and others. At age 18, one begins a fortunate thirty year period of nurturing one’s own gut instincts and pursuing one’s own authentic path.