Today on the Q♣️ in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the J♥️. This reading is about the Q♣️ Birth Card of 1/28, 2/26, 3/24, 4/22, 5/20, 6/18, 7/16, 8/14, 9/12, 10/10, 11/8, 12/6.
The Q♣️ senses and intuits ideals, and one acts to implement plans and ideals. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
As Dreaming Double Jupiter, one needs to fully manifest values and desires in utter contentment by inviting all the help offered by the universe and its inhabitants.
The K♥️ Waking Mirror resigns to the throes of feeling and passion that make one quake and quiver with the understanding that feelings are not facts, but they do assist one in harnessing facts in right action and communication to the extent that one maintains non-attachment to the ebb and flow of feelings while experiencing events.
As Sleeping Double Mercury, one learns to make the expression of feeling effortless due to abstaining from judgment and withholding of affections; one becomes wise in neutrality.
Scorpio Q♣️ is romantically charged to express ideas and feelings in actions that impress others as idealistic and fully involved in experiences. At age 16, one begins a fortunate thirty year period of developing ideas in spoken and written communication that probes the depths of longing and activates personal ambitions for embarking on adventure, effort, and work.