Today on the 5♣️ in Scorpio, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Pluto card in the Waking Spread which is the 9♠️. This reading is about the 5♣️ Birth Card of 3/31, 4/29, 5/27, 6/25, 7/23, 8/21, 9/19, 10/17, 11/15, and 12/13.
The 5♣️ changes ideals, plans, and agreements. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
The J♣️ Dreaming Mirror needs to organize the mind to support useful creativity and limit reckless communication.
The Q♦️ Waking Mirror gathers wealth and nurtures values that lead to shifts of ideals, plans, and agreements.
The 6♦️ Sleeping Mirror learns to let relationships evolve as one makes progress with personal values and desires.
Scorpio 5♣️ recognizes the benefit to peace of mind through mental organization that arises from the removal of material and more subtle refuse. At age 10, one begins a fortunate thirty year period of spiritualizing love relationships and finances.