Today on the 4♦️ in Sagittarius, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Jupiter card in the Waking Spread which is the 6♠️. This reading is about the 4♦️ Birth Card of 1/23, 2/21, 3/19, 4/17, 5/15, 6/13, 7/11, 8/9, 9/7, 10/5, 11/3, and 12/1.
The 4♦️ formulates desires into values and one establishes a foundation of values including financial stability. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
The Q♥️ Dreaming Mirror needs to change significant feelings and relationships that one prefers to paper over with pleasure and fantasy; the most nurturing thing one can do is make a new friend that more fully represents current feelings.
The 2♥️ Waking Mirror passionately feels and relates to others, though there can be possessiveness and attachment that is best limited, as one is building personal values rather than seeking values through relationships.
The 7♠️ Sleeping Mirror learns to depart from current ways of being that are unbalancing; any significant changes should serve the purpose of making life more authentic versus superficial and untrue.
Sagittarius 4♦️ builds a life of fated incidents that lead to the intimacy of shared ideals.