
Today on the A♥️ in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the 3♠️. This reading is about the A♥️ Birth Card of 12/30.

The A♥️ seeks, discovers, initiates, and introduces feelings in oneself and within relationships. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

As Dreaming Double Mercury, one needs to invite unpleasant information including opinions and divergent preferences others hold in order to flow with loving feelings.

The 7♠️ Waking Mirror balances all the aspects of life that are difficult and might impede the joy one otherwise feels; one seeks the middle ground in all situations, so that serenity is a given.

The 7♥️ Sleeping Mirror learns to identify personal preferences and values while giving others room and freedom to select and work toward their own desires.

Capricorn A♥️ follows one’s gut instinct along a winding path to discover hidden knowledge and secret pleasure.