
This reading is about the 7♦️ Birth Card of 1/20, 2/18, 3/16, 4/14, 5/12, 6/10, 7/8, 8/6, 9/4, and 10/2. The 7♦️ balances resources, desires, and pleasures. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

With faith, all desires can be manifested. With faith, scarcity of satisfaction can be endured. With faith, one can moderate the pleasures one requires. With faith, one shares resources.

Others will always fail to meet personal requirements that one places as a measure of satisfaction. Relationships will disappoint expectations.

There is a cure for angst and disappointment that is not suffering in addiction and enforced temperance, and that cure is a magical life of dreams and exploration.

Aquarius 7♦️/K♥️ leaves behind any degree of dissatisfaction and discomfort with situations and people to embrace a rich fulfilled life of happiness that is known by piercing the veils of suffering to the true pure light of reality.